
Supporting Andover Foodbank
Our Stockbridge factory are proud to continue to support our local foodbank, with many generous donations from our employees gratefully received this week by the Andover team.

Baloo is off on his travels again!
Our team mascot Baloo is back from furlough and off on his travels again!
He has had his jabs, renewed his passport and is ready to travel the world again with our employees!
Catch his adventures on our instagram @sbjoineryltd

£700 for Blood Cancer UK!
One of our dear friends and colleague has recently been diagnosed with Myelofibrosis so this quarter, SB Joinery wanted to display our support, love and passion by raising awareness and funds to help the amazing work by Blood Cancer UK with a summer football league.
Thanks to everyone’s generosity, we have raised an amazing £700!
We held a small awards ceremony with Mary presenting her ‘Player of the tournament’ and ‘Golden Boot’ award : “I just want to thank all the staff and management at SB Joinery for all their support and fundraising efforts over the past few months. They have not only made a huge effort in raising the much needed funds for Blood Cancer UK research, ironically, they have made the fundraising process a ‘fun’ one too!”

Joiners of our future
Our Pre Contracts Director, Kieran and People HR, Jenna were invited to talk to this years new carpentry apprentices about life at SB Joinery and career opportunities and development within our industry. We look forward to seeing some of them in the future!

Work Experience Week
This week we have had Luke, Harry & Harvey from the John Hanson Community School in Andover working alongside our experienced joiners. They have spent each day in a different part of the workshop to get insight on the whole process whilst getting valuable on-the-job training! We also had Leon from Buckler's Mead Academy in our Yeovil workshop learning all there is to know about cabinetry.

Salvador Superpush 200
It's a busy week here in our Stockbridge factory! As well as the installation of our new solar panels, we have also taken delivery of our new Salvador Superpush 200!This fully automatic programmable crosscut saw features powerful optimisation software and defecting facility as standard. Compared to traditional crosscutting methods, this will help to increase the efficiency and productivity in our mill.